Ms. Neha Girish embarked on her musical journey at the tender age of four (4), capturing hearts with her melodious voice. Recognized by Rajendra Babu, brother of Lathika Teacher, Neha began her first singing lessons. She received invaluable training from the esteemed P.B Rangachari sir in Carnatic Music. Further honing her skills, she underwent voice training under the guidance of the renowned Ananth Vaidhyanathan sir, known for his association with Super Singer, and Mrs. Nirmala Narasimhan, celebrated for her appearances on Zee Tamil. Currently, Neha is mastering Hindustani music under the tutelage of Mrs. Madhuvanthi Narayan, daughter of Pandit Ramesh Narayanan sir. Neha’s debut in singing competitions left audiences and judges spellbound with her enchanting voice, earning her numerous accolades and awards.
Join Neha as she graces the stage of Sun TV’s Pongal Celebration alongside esteemed Music Director D Imman Sir.
Neha’s participation in the event “The Tribute to Devarajan Master” in Chennai was a momentous occasion.
Sharing the spotlight with luminaries such as Mr. P. Jayachandran, Mrs. Chitra, Ms. Lathika Teacher, Mr. M. Jayachandran, and Mr. Sudip was a true blessing.
Neha was the Title Winner in Aashrayam Singing Competition for Devarajan Master 2021.
Neha was the Title Winner in the CTMA Singing Competition 2021.
Neha was the Title Winner in the Star Voice Hunt Season 8 2021.
Neha won 1st prize in a Singing Idiol competition conducted by Creative Melody World Organisation.
International lions club honoured Neha as melody princess award 2021.
Kerala Cultural Center Vedika Online Youth Festival 2020 – 1st Prize.
Social super singer 2nd prize 2020.
Great Indian Talent and Musical Festival Isai24x7 Title winner2020.
Third prize in Golden voice of Chennai 2019.
Third prize in SAAND JOD events in 2019.
First prize in FAIMA Balakalamela _2019.
Semi Finalist – Sun Singer Junior 2018.
First Prize – Balakalamela Sargothsav – 2018.
Title Winner – Kinder Lounge Super Singer – 2018.
First Prize – Balakalamela FAIMA 2017.
Best Voice Award – Singathon – 2017.
First Prize – Singathon – 2017.
Third Position – Golden voice of Chennai – 2017.
Best Talent Award – Little big show – 2016.
Neha Girish clinched the prestigious title of Winner at the CTMA Singing Competition 2021.
Neha Girish was honoured with the esteemed 2nd prize, the Golden Voice of Chennai award, presented by the Rotary Club of Nanganallore on January 12, 2020.
Neha Girish was bestowed with the 3rd Prize at the SAAND Sing and Dance Competition organized by JOD Events, held on January 19, 2020, at Anna University Chennai Campus.
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